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Bohemia After Dark - Special Quintet Edition!

Fri, 31 Jul


U Malého Glena Jazz Club

A special quintet lineup for a mid-summer blowing session @ Glen's

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Bohemia After Dark - Special Quintet Edition!
Bohemia After Dark - Special Quintet Edition!

Time & Location

31 Jul 2020, 20:00 – 23:00

U Malého Glena Jazz Club, 23, Karmelitská 374, Malá Strana, 118 00 Praha-Praha 1, Czechia

About the event

The "Bohemia After Dark" project presents its "Tribute to the Giants of Bop", inspired by the careers of the original giants of the bebop rhythm section - drummer Kenny Clarke and bassist Oscar Pettiford. The repertoire spans the “golden age” of 1940s bebop through to the emergence of hard bop in the mid-1950s, featuring compositions by Clarke, Pettiford, Dizzy Gillespie, Tadd Dameron, Fats Navarro, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, the Modern Jazz Quartet, Horace Silver, Oscar Pettiford, Cannonball Adderley and others.

Kapela "Bohemia After Dark" prezentuje svůj program "Tribute to the Giants of Bop", věnovaný diskografii bubeníka Kennyho Clarka a bassisty Oscara Pettiforda, od zlatého věku bebopu ve 40. letech až po vznik hard bopu v polovině 50. let. Mezi další hráče či skladatele spojené s repertoárem kapely patří Dizzy Gillespie, Tadd Dameron, Fats Navarro, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, the Modern Jazz Quartet, Horace Silver, Oscar Pettiford a Cannonball Adderley.

Andy Schofield - Alto/Alt saxofon Osian Roberts - Tenor saxofon Standa Mácha - Piano Tomáš "Kaštan" Baroš - Bass/Kontrabas Ben Hague - Drums/Bicí

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