Time & Location
11 Jan 2020, 21:30 – 12 Jan 2020, 00:00
Reduta Jazz Club, Národní 20, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia
About the event
The "Bohemia After Dark" project presents its "Tribute to the Giants of Bop", covering highlights of drummer Kenny Clarke's recording work (as leader or sideman), from the “golden age” of 1940s bebop through to the emergence of hard bop in the mid-1950s, with fellow bop giants including Dizzy Gillespie, Tadd Dameron, Fats Navarro, Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, the Modern Jazz Quartet, Horace Silver, Oscar Pettiford and Cannonball Adderley.
Kapela "Bohemia After Dark" prezentuje svůj program "Tribute to the Giants of Bop" se zpěvem, věnovaný diskografii bubeníka Kennyho Clarka (ať už jako lídra či v doprovodné roli), od zlatého věku bebopu ve 40. letech až po vznik hard bopu v polovině 50. let. Mezi další hráče či skladatele spojené s repertoárem kapely patří Dizzy Gillespie, Tadd Dameron, Fats Navarro, Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Modern Jazz Quartet, Horace Silver, Oscar Pettiford a Cannonball Adderley.
Andy Schofield - Alto/Alt saxofon
Osian Roberts - Tenor saxofon
Mates Juzzll - Trumpet/Trumpeta
Libor Šmoldas - Guitar/Kytara
Taras Voloschuk - Bass/Kontrabas
Ben Hague - Drums/Bicí